AvatarMaker | Version 2.1 | V2101C
Bug Code V2101C
Product AvatarMaker
Version 2.1
Reported by KnB92
Date 14/12/2017
Status FIXED


When the UI is not in the same folder as the backend, all items previews are empty.

If you don't want to manually patch your application, you can download the most recent release from the marketplace. It is always updated with the latest fixes.

Manual Fix

Find the following line of code in source/js/jquery.avatarmaker.js (Should be around line 14)

$.fn.avatarMaker = function(renderurl) {

Replace it with the following code. XXCACHEURLXX Must be changed to the url (absolute or relative) of the cache folder (ex. "http://yoursite/somefolder/avm/cache/" note the trailing / )

$.fn.avatarMaker = function(renderurl, "XXCACHEURLXX") {
	/* If no url for the cache is specified we assume that the cache folder is in the same directory as the ui and it has the dafault name */		
	cacheUrl = (typeof cacheUrl !== 'undefined') ?  cacheUrl : "cache/";

Find the following line of code in source/js/jquery.avatarmaker.js (Should be around line 118)

$("#"+traitId).find(".avmPartsOptions").append('<li class="avmPart"><a class="trait" data-trait="'+i+'" data-id="'+trait+'"><div class="avmPartImg" style="background-image: url( cache/'+ i +'.png); background-position:-'+offset+'px 0;"/></div></li>');

Replace it with

$("#"+traitId).find(".avmPartsOptions").append('<li class="avmPart"><a class="trait" data-trait="'+i+'" data-id="'+trait+'"><div class="avmPartImg" style="background-image: url(' + cacheUrl + i +'.png); background-position:-'+offset+'px 0;"/></div></li>');

Save a minified version of the js file as upload/js/jquery.avatarmaker.js